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Spectroscopy Since 1975
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Raman Spectroscopy News

Diagram of the different acetylation states

Infrared and Raman spectroscopy have been used to identify lysine acetylation features, which provided a theoretical and experimental basis for the analysis of protein acetylation structures in biological systems.

Graphs showing the forecast for miniature spectrometers

A review of and prediction for the development of chip-based optical spectrometers.

Diagram showing the flame nanoparticle deposition used to produce the SERS nano-sensors

Flame-sprayed nanoparticles have been used as a SERS substrate to detect low concentrations of parathion-ethyl, a toxic agricultural insecticide that is banned or restricted in most countries.

The Gordon F. Kirkbright and Edward Steers awards are seeking nominations.

Photo of Anne Brontë’s collection of stones

Anne Brontë is renowned as a novelist, but a Raman analysis of her collection of stones has revealed her to be a skilled collector with an active interest in geology who accumulated a collection of attractive specimens before her death aged 29 in 1849.

Photo of Joachim Holm

The first local managing director for Shimadzu Denmark, Joachim Holm, has been appointed.

Photo limestone in a quarry

Research shows that it is possible to classify rocks according to the size of the particles they contain during quarrying, using a portable Raman spectrometer.

Inside view of the prototype of the device

The new Raman spectroscopy methodology has the potential to detect infections in cystic fibrosis patients in minutes and could be expanded to target a variety of diseases and counter anti-microbial resistance.

Optical solitons often combine into pairs with very short temporal separation. Introducing atomic vibrations in the terahertz range, researchers at the Universities of Bayreuth and Wrocław have solved the puzzle of how these temporal links are formed.

Diagram showing the basic principle for the greenhouse gas detection with air-lasing-based Raman spectroscopy.

Air-lasing-assisted coherent Raman spectroscopy can provide quantitative measurement and simultaneous detection of two greenhouse gases, as well as the identification of CO2 isotopes.

Photo of tweezers holding a crystal

A team from the University of Geneva has succeeded in visualising crystal nucleation with Raman microspectroscopy that was invisible until now.

As an industry partner, HORIBA will co-create, support and mentor a four-year research project to explore how spectroscopy can help drive new methods of cell screening and disease diagnosis based on animal-free research.

Serial sectioning of pharmaceutical tablets with spectral mapping has enabled full visualisation of the three-dimensional (3D) microstructure of a tablet system to be achieved.

Photo of the SERS sensor held between gloved fingers.

Researchers say the surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy sensor combines accuracy levels approaching that of PCR testing with the speed of rapid antigen tests, and could be used for mass testing at airports, schools and hospitals.

A new CD spectrometer can measure single nanostructures and also be used for weak signal measurements, such as polarised luminescence or Raman scatterings.

New work demonstrates transient non-linear spectroscopy based on covariance methods and its advantages over mean-value-based approaches. A generalisation of this approach could be a game change in non-linear spectroscopy in the optical region.

Drawing of the creation of the dual-region signals

A new method for broadband THz–fingerprint Raman spectroscopy at an ultrafast spectral rate enables synchronous measurement of two distinct types of vibrational signals, for dual-region sensitivity.

A portable, SERS-based breathalyser can distinguish volatile organic compounds in the breath of COVID-positive people in less than 5 min.

Researchers improve their scientific understanding of heterogeneous catalysis by imaging the gas just above the surface of the catalyst.

Schematic of the Nikalyte gold nanoparticle SERS substrate

Wasatch Photonics and Nikalyte Ltd have announced a partnership to facilitate evaluation and testing of a novel surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrate for trace detection of materials.