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Spectroscopy Since 1975
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Meeting Reports

The 15th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium took place in Ulm, Germany, in September 2018 hosted by WITec.

This annual workshop held by PicoQuant attracted over 90 scientists to report on and share recent developments in single molecule detection.

Two-day conference reported on the current state of advanced applied Raman spectroscopy.

Report on this meeting organised annually by the German microscope manufacturer, WITec, for researchers and specialists from widely ranging fields to share ideas and hear about the latest developments in Raman microscopy.

A report on the 12th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium held in Ulm, Germany, September 2015, which covered a fascinating range of applications of the technique.

Many international researchers joined the 11th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium from 29 September to 1 October 2014 in Ulm, Germany.

Report on the The Seventh International Conference of Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-7) held in Kobe, Japan.

Report on the 10th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium 2013 in Ulm, Germany.

Raman spectroscopy came under the spotlight at the Natural History Museum in London, when Renishaw held its 2011 ‘inside Raman’ seminar in the Museum’s Flett theatre on 26th and 27th September.

Ninety-five delegates attended the 8th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium in Ulm, Germany, from 5 to 6 October organised by WITec. Featuring a global line-up of Raman Imaging experts, the symposium gave scientist the opportunity to see the newest applications and relevant instrument configurations.

The School of Chemistry at Leeds University provided an ideal venue for the 2010 Royal Society of Chemistry NMR Discussion Group Postgraduate meeting. This one-day conference has now become an annual event, comprising talks and posters presented by early career researchers, giving them an opportunity to showcase their research in a friendly and informal atmosphere. On this occasion, overview presentations were also given by leading experts in their fields. Delegates included established scientists and group leaders from both academia and industry, providing a supportive and stimulating environment for all those presenting.