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Spectroscopy Since 1975
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Spectroscopy Applications

Sequentially Timed All-optical Mapping Photography (STAMP) uses a Coherent Astrella to capture video bursts on timescales of ~100 fs to several ns.

This article shows how an ultra-stable femtosecond amplifier enables high data output in 2D IR spectroscopic studies of biological membranes and surfactants.

OPIS 35™ Certified Zone 0

The OPIS 35™ laser accessory is a companion to the Hyperflux™ PRO Plus (HFPP) Raman Spectrometer.

Tornado Process Guardian™

This experiment demonstrates that chemometric modes can be easily transferred between the HyperFlux™ PRO Plus and the Process Guardian™ Raman spectrometers without extraordinary data manipulation.

Photo of a glass of milk

Protecting consumer safety with Misa SERS analyser.

Photo of the MIRA DS spectrometer and a squeeze bottle

Identification of acids through a plastic squeeze container.

Photo of the handheld Raman spectrometer

Handheld Raman system is capable of material identification in complex environments.

Diagram showing raster scan technology

Mira spectrometers equipped with ORS capture a large interrogation area in a very short time, analysing all of the ingredients in a single scan.

Photo of the ARL OPTIM’X XRF spectrometer

In this application note, an XRF spectrometer is used to analyse several elements/oxides in ores in a matter of minutes.

Raman and photoluminecence images of MoS2 flakes

CVD-grown MoS2 flakes are analysed using Raman and PL imaging with a Raman microscope.

Photo of the WDXRF spectrometer

A wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy technique for iron ore analysis is described that minimises analysis time.

Photo of the sample cell

Enhancement of SERS features by electrochemical activation in non-aqueous media.

Spectra of different sized quantum dots

emission spectra, which is dependent on their size and composition.

Benefits of portable Raman

A good portable Raman spectrometer bridges the gap in performance, capability and size between handheld and benchtop Raman spectroscopy.

Image of tablet

Checking the content uniformity of tablets is a crucial step in quality control of these dosage forms—but it is slow and tedious. With IR laser imaging a comprehensive content uniformity is finally possible in less than 10 min.

Diagram of the analysis

First, the LSPR of spherical colloidal AuNPs is investigated as a function of particle diameter. Then, the chemical sensing potential of AuNPs is demonstrated by tracking the LSPR during an induced aggregation experiment.

Photo of the the handheld MIRA DS in operation

Two chemical analyses from one tablet using Raman to identify the major component and SERS for the minor component.

Pages from the catalogue

The catalogue showcases Hiden's solutions for analysing dissolved species in liquids.

Photo of an NIR spectrometer being operated

A multiparameter determination within one minute using NIR spectroscopy.

Photo of apples

Commercial SERS substrates are readily available, making SERS an accessible technique for low-concentration detection. In this application note, residual phosmet insecticide on apple skin is detected using SERS.