WITec’s solution for correlative Raman–SEM imaging is now available for the Zeiss Sigma 300, a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). With this jointly-developed system, WITec and Zeiss are providing a fully-integrated instrument available as an OEM product through Zeiss that features a standard, unmodified vacuum chamber and SEM column along with a complete confocal Raman microscope and spectrometer.
RISE stands for Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron microscopy. The research-grade optical microscope capability integral to every WITec microscope also helps researchers survey their sample and quickly locate areas of interest. Both the objective and sample stage required for Raman microscopy are placed within the SEM’s vacuum chamber and can therefore remain under vacuum for all measurements; the sample is simply transferred between the Raman and SEM measuring positions using the stage of the Zeiss Sigma 300. The configuration allows the Raman microscope to be attached through a standard port of the SEM. The correlation of data and control of Raman measurements are carried out through WITec’s Suite Five software.
All the functions of the respective stand-alone SEM and Raman systems are preserved when combined. Switching between measurement modes is accomplished quickly and easily through the software, which also facilitates the transformation of Raman spectroscopic data into an image which can then be overlaid onto the SEM image to produce a RISE image. This correlative approach can greatly benefit researchers in nanotechnology, life sciences, geosciences, pharmaceutics, materials research and many other fields of application.