The MIRA XTR DS handheld Raman spectrometer and Autofocus Standoff Attachment (AFSO) from Metrohm can be integrated into the IBEX CBRNE robot system equipped with environmental sensors. Operated remotely, IBEX can assess hazards, gather detailed intelligence and identify unknowns without ever placing a human in harm’s way. The most powerful capability of IBEX is chemical identification. Using stand-off Raman technology, MIRA and the AFSO can identify unknowns from 2 m away. Point the laser sight at a suspicious substance and get a result seconds later. MIRA can identify more than 20,000 substances, including illicit drugs, explosives, precursors and other hazardous chemicals. IBEX transmits detailed information from the hot zone for instant assessment of human safety risks. The sensors include a Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) Detector, Radiological/Nuclear Detectors and a PID Gas Monitor.