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Spectroscopy Since 1975
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Mid-IR and NIR wavelength calibration

25 February 2017 | Product
by Ian Michael

Starna now supply polystyrene film references for use in the mid-infrared and near infrared with full traceability to NIST and covering a total wavelength range from 1.1 µm (8750 cm–1) to 18.5 µm (540 cm–1). These references are produced within the scope of Starna’s ISO Guide 34 accreditation and certified under ISO/IEC 17025. They will also comply with the newest revisions of US Pharmacopoeia General Chapters 854 and 1854 on mid-infrared spectroscopy. The references are available in two film thicknesses: RM-1921/38 is a 38-µm polystyrene film with 14 certified peaks from 540 cm–1 to 3080 cm–1 (18.5–3.25 µm) whose values are traceable to NIST SRM 1921b. A thicker version, RM-1921/65, is 65-µm thick and in addition to the 14 peaks in the mid-IR 8 peaks are certified in the NIR from 3060 cm–1 to 8750 cm–1 (3.25 µm to 1.15 µm). These peaks are traceable to NIST SRM 2065. The references are presented as card mounted films in the conventional industry pattern which slip into the standard sample holder of any FT-IR instrument.