McPherson have announced that their one- and three-metre normal incidence spectrometers are now capable of imaging. The ability to measure both spatial and wavelength resolution is important in many applications. One example is diagnostics of impurity profile in edge plasma of large magnetically confined tokomak devices used in fusion research.
With the addition of a carefully adjusted horizontal aperture in the optical path, these spectrometers can now measure vertical spatial profile in addition to dispersed wavelengths. They operate in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and view plasma impurity emission lines in the wavelength range of 300–3200 Å. The new spectrometers can be built for high vacuum (10–6 Torr) and also ultra-high vacuum (10–10 Torr). They can be equipped with microchannel plate intensifiers or CCD detectors. Other solar blind and single channel detectors are available for scanning applications. The instruments are delivered with precise wavelength calibration and repeatable means to set the observed vertical range. Users may choose to calibrate the sensitivity of VUV spectrometer systems using calibrated light sources and/or detectors too.