Princeton Instruments has introduced the KURO 2048B, the newest member of the KURO family of back-illuminated, scientific CMOS (sCMOS) cameras. The KURO 2048B will be used for hyperspectral imaging, astronomy and quantum imaging. The KURO 2048B incorporates a large format 2048 × 2048 sensor with 11-µm pixels. Back-side illumination enables 100% pixel fill factor and delivers CCD-like sensitivity.
The frame rate for KURO 2048B at full resolution of 2048 × 2048 is 47 fps at 12 bits and 23 fps at 16 bits, with the ability to reach over 3000 fps in reduced resolution. It also has 95% quantum efficiency (QE) in the mid-range visible, 80% peak QE in the ultraviolet, a full well specification of 80,000 electrons and read noise of 1.3 e– rms median. Additionally, programmable trigger modes synchronise camera operation with external events or light sources.
Designed for operation within the Princeton Instruments LightField® software system, the KURO 2048B camera is easy to control and can be integrated quickly in myriad imaging experiments. The 64-bit LightField imaging and spectroscopy software package provides hundreds of user enhancements, includes a powerful built-in math engine to perform live data analysis, and permits direct control from third-party packages such as LabVIEW and MATLAB. A full suite of input–output TTL signals is provided as well, making it easy to synchronise camera operation with external events or light sources.