Raman Imaging News
A new scientific study published in the prestigious international journal "Science Advances" has investigated one of the still poorly understood aspects of cancer, therapy-induced senescence in tumour cells. The study, the result of collaboration among researchers from Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore(USA), the National Cancer Institute in Milan (Italy), and the National Research Council (Italy), expands our understanding of cancer biology and paves the way for future therapeutic advancements.
A rare mineral that holds potential as a new material for industrial and medical applications has been discovered on alpine plants by Raman microscopy.
Three papers have received WITec Paper Awards for their work using WITec correlative confocal Raman microscopes.
Spectroscopy imaging on the nanoscale is being helped by a new fibre nanoimprinting process.
Analytik has been appointed as exclusive distributors for Nanophoton, Japanese manufacturers of benchtop Raman imaging systems for both industrial and research laboratories.
Stimulated Raman projection microscopy and tomography using a special type of laser beam to penetrate deep into tissue might lead to technologies that eliminate the need to draw blood for analyses including drug testing and early detection of diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
Raman microscopy is being used alongside high-resolution X-ray diffraction to unpick the reasons for crystallographic defects in SiC bulk crystal and epitaxial film, which limit the commercialisation of SiC devices.