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Spectroscopy Since 1975
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Data Handling News

A highly efficient way to collect infrared microscopy data avoids the use of slow, grid-based raster scans.

KPM Analytics has partnered with AB Vista to provide their NIR analysis solutions with the Aunir calibration database.

Camo Analytics, producer of the Unscrambler chemometrics software, has been acquired by Aspen Technology, Inc.

The ModMol app enables the visualisation and editing of molecules in an augmented reality environment on Apple and Android devices.

New virtual format for the 72nd Pittsburgh Conference.

Howard Mark and Jerry Workman have been awarded the 2020 Gold Medal by the New York section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy.

Shimadzu opened a branch office in Denmark in September, providing local support.

This proteomics approach enables the identification of small molecule drug targets in complex proteomes and the analysis of their binding properties across species and drug target classes.

The French Chemometrics Society award is given in honour of the late Professor Jean-Pierre Huvenne for his early contribution to chemometrics in vibrational spectroscopy in France and is open to PhD students worldwide.

A partnership to enable the generation of classification models using the Headwall MV.X and perClass Mira software on a PC.

A new research project in partnership between academia, companies and the Netherlands Forensic Institute to develop ways to chain analytical techniques together to gain complementary information.

Shimadzu has opened a branch office in Sweden, which will market Shimadzu’s full range of analytical instrumentation solutions.

HighChem, provider of mass spectrometry software, has been acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific.

A new, freely available machine learning program combined with NMR spectroscopy to determine the exact location of atoms in complex organic compounds.

Stemmer Imaging has expanded its portfolio and acquired a stake in Perception Park GmbH, the Austrian provider of the Perception System & Studio data processing platform.

New database enables the rapid screening and identification of drugs by Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART®) mass spectrometry.

An Illustration of the machine learning approach.

Machine learning techniques using a combination of the layer clustering and decision tree methods aids prediction of spectra.

PhD students worldwide who have defended their thesis in the last two years are invited to apply for this award.

Photo of Raman Bhatnagar

CAMO Software has appointed Raman Bhatnagar as their new CEO.

Applications for this prestigious award are invited by 30 November 2018.