Renishaw have launched the inLux SEM Raman interface. Adding this to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) enables in situ Raman spectroscopy to complement SEM information. The inLux interface is compatible with SEMs from all major manufacturers and can be easily added to new and existing SEMs on site.
The design of the inLux interface enables Raman measurements to be performed while the sample is under the SEM beam. This allows simultaneous Raman, photoluminescence (PL) or cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements with SEM imaging, making experimental workflows easier and faster. The inLux interface is used without any need to move the sample, even when performing mapping measurements. This enables simple and accurate correlation between the Raman data and SEM images. When not in use, the inLux probe can be withdrawn from the SEM chamber enabling completely independent use of the SEM.
The inLux interface offers a comprehensive range of Raman capabilities. Spectra can be collected from single points, multiple points or 2D and 3D confocal Raman images generated. The inLux interface comes fully equipped for all this work as standard, enabling analysis of areas >0.5 mm in each axis. Fully encoded position control, down to 100 nm, assures precise sample movement.
The inLux interface can be equipped with up to three fibre optic modules, two different Raman excitation wavelengths from 405 nm to 785 nm and an optional CL probe. These modules offer flexibility when dealing with fluorescent or challenging samples. The inLux interface is used in conjunction with Renishaw’s research grade Raman spectrometers and software. This provides comprehensive processing and analysis capabilities whilst being intuitively simple to use.