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Privacy Policy

About IM Publications Open

IM Publications Open LLP (IMP Open) is a limited liability partnership and registered in England and Wales with company number OC417244. The office is registered at 6 Charlton Mill, Charlton, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0HY, United Kingdom. spectroscopyeurope.com and spectroscopyworld.com (the "website") is published by IM Publications Open LLP.

The Publisher (IMP) takes the privacy and security of your personal data very seriously. We recognise the importance of protecting any information we collect about you and will take all reasonable steps to maintain the security, integrity and privacy of your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By submitting your information to the website, you consent to the practices described.

When we collect your personal data

You may provide IMP Open your personal information by registering on the website or opting in to receive our e-mail newsletters. By choosing to take advantage of these services, you consent to the use of your information provided for the purposes of providing these services.

What sort of personal data do we collect

We recognise two types of customers when visiting our website. Registered and non-registered users. When registering for an account to the website we ask for your name, email, organisation and country and that you set up a username and password. For your security, we will keep an encrypted record of your login password. Non-registered users may opt-in to receive communications by also suppling your name, email, organisation and country. In addition to the information collected to send you e-mails, we may collect information on how you access our digital content and services and the type of device and internet browser you are using. Details of your visits to our website and which site you came from to ours.

Use of User Information

There will be no disclosure of information obtained about you through the use of the website to any third party without your consent other than:

  • If required by law or to enforce the impopen.com Terms of Use;
  • Where necessary in connection with services provided by appropriate intermediaries who will be required to comply with the confidentiality provisions of this policy;
  • To provide navigational and transactional information to our carefully chosen impopen.com partners in the form of anonymous, aggregate usage statistics that do not reveal a user’s personal identity.

Security of User Information

We know how much data security matters to all our customers. We will treat your data with the utmost care and take all appropriate steps to protect it.
We take all reasonable measures to keep the website updated and secure from vulnerabilities and attacks.
Any information collected on the website will be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purposes of IMP Open. It will be kept accurate and up-to-date, based on information provided and will be deleted when no longer needed. The information will be kept in a secure database using ‘https’ technology and will be used solely for IMP Open communications, except where your express consent is granted. Registered users will be able to update their personal details by logging into their account with their chosen username and password.

Voluntarily Disclosed Information

Please be aware that identifiable personal information, including your name and e-mail address, which are voluntarily disclosed on the IMP Open site by you to other users, may be collected or disclosed by other users and we the Publisher take no responsibility for such collection and disclosure.

Privacy and Data Protection Policies of other Websites

Users should be aware that the Privacy and Data Protection policies of other websites and companies vary and that, in using any links to other websites, or entering into correspondence or agreements with third parties including without limitation, partners, advertisers and affiliates of impopen.com, we the Publisher take no responsibility for the privacy policies of and usage of personal information collected by others.


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Right to Information

You are entitled to request a copy of your Personal Data held by us, as well as a description of how the information is used. A subject ‘Access Request’ should be made through the 'Contact us' page which can be found on the footer of our website.

Personal Data Retention Period

We will keep your information as long as you are a registered user and have not informed us that you wish to cancel your account. If you are a non-registered user we will keep your information until you unsubscribe using the unsubscribe link which is included on all opt-in communications

Deleting or Correcting Personal Data

You are entitled to request that any incorrect Personal Data that we hold is corrected or deleted. If you are a registered user you can log in and make these changes yourself or you can request these changes through our ‘Contact us’ page which can be found on the footer of our website. You can also unsubscribe to any time as indicated in the marketing communications, e.g. using the unsubscribe link which is included on all opt-in communications.

Alterations to Privacy Policy

The Publisher reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. Your continued use of the website will be deemed to be conclusive of acceptance of such modification.

How do I Unsubscribe from Communications?

You can unsubscribe from any of our communications at any time by using the unsubscribe link which is included on all opt-in communications. You can also request to stop receiving communications from us through our ‘Contact us’ page which can be found on the footer of our website.