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Spectroscopy Since 1975
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NY/NJ SAS Webinar: FUNdamentals of Vibrational Spectroscopy

 14 January 2021 to 14 January 2021

This is a live stream presentation using microsoft teams by John Wasylyk and Debbie Peru.

In this presentation, John will provide an overview of basic vibration spectroscopy and several methods used in the pharmaceutical industry for process optimization and problem solving. Focus will be on the basic theory of three widely applied tools: mid‐infrared, near‐infrared and Raman spectroscopies, and how the key fundamentals of vibrational spectroscopy enhance our process knowledge in the area of research and development. Specific examples provided will give an insight into which technique is best suited for answering specific analytical problems and then applied in a manufacturing environment for maintaining quality, enhancing productivity, and lessening environmental impact.

Debbie has over 35 years experience in developing quantitative spectroscopy methods for pharmaceutical, consumer products, and specialty chemical industries. Her presentation will provide a 30,000 foot view of the method development process starting with an overview of the stages of method development and how to create an excellent training set of standards for calibrating your instrument. In this presentation Debbie will review the importance of reviewing the integrity of both the X Block and Y Block of data. This will lead into a discussion of the two main approaches for developing a calibration curve and the benefits of supervised modeling using variable selection methods.