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Thermography Solutions for Power Electronics Webinar

 3 March 2021 to 3 March 2021
United Kingdom

Power electronics is a key enabler for the future renewable energy based grid and plays an important role for improving the efficiency of power devices. E-mobility, industrial pumps and transportation systems benefit from the latest technologies of this research direction. They ask for faster active components, high power densities of miniaturised systems as well as absolute reliability.

As a result, temperature is a critical parameter for all power systems and even more for power electronics with new materials like WBG semiconductors. To ensure system performance and quality, the testing of electronic components in the design and production phase is crucial.

In the upcoming online event, InfraTec would like to introduce you to thermography solutions for power electronics. They allow non-contact, precise and high frame rate temperature measurement. InfraTec offers a variety of solutions that support your specific needs.

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